Environmental Attributes
Liquid Hammer has been proven to be a safe in all areas of the world. Environmental regulations are varied from state to state and region to region, but Liquid Hammer gets a seal of approval consistently. Because only the safest ingredients are used when making Liquid Hammer, environmental compliance has been an easy accomplishment.
Although it is impossible to publish data on all environmental attributes of Liquid Hammer, choosing this product brings a consultant level supplier that will be able to assist with the testing, approval, and ongoing compliance consultation that will allow you to effectively eliminate a common source of environmental headache; your wash process.
Liquid Hammer is biodegradable by US EPA standards and by the EU OECD 301. Additionally, Liquid Hammer contains no products that would be considered marine pollutants or hazardous air pollutants.
Refer to the Health and Safety Attributes page in the downloads section or Contact Us for more information on the environmental safety of Liquid Hammer.